Original medicinal preparations
enzyme of the body antioxidant system, registered in Russian federation.
A hemostatic agent that has no analogues in the world and requires registration.
a drug for treating scars is more effective and beneficial.
Original medicinal preparations
enzyme of the body antioxidant system, registered in Russian federation.

A hemostatic agent that has no analogues in the world and requires registration.

a drug for treating scars is more effective and beneficial.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) — is a key enzyme of the body antioxidant system. Physiological action of SOD is associated with detoxification of superoxide radicals, which are generated in the body at different pathologies. By now, a wellfounded strategy has been developed for using SOD drugs in different diseases, in which the activated phagocytes as well as the disturbances caused by accumulation of free oxygen species play a pathogenetic role.

  • SOD drugs appeared to be useful in different diseases, such as arthrosis, periartricular inflammation, urological disease, Khron s disease, myocardial infarction, et al. Treatment of these diseases with SOD drugs is a pathogenetic, functional therapy directed towards the main link of pathological process.
Enzyme of the body antioxidant system, registered in RF
  • Recsod® is a trade mark common for the novel enzymatic drugs, which possess anti-oxidant, anticytolytic, and anti-inflammatory activities. The recombinant human SOD produced from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain Y2134, is the main acting origin of Recsod®.
  • Recsod® is an original drug, which has not been described by foreign Pharmacopoeias. The gene-engineered SOD produced from yeast is fully identical to the enzyme generated in human body.

Magnetic fluid is a complex colloidal system containing along with liquid carrier (water, liquid hydrocarbons, fluorine or organosilicon compounds) and surfactants microcrystals of ferromagnetic or ferrite as a dispersed phase. Previously, no one has used magnetic fluids to stop bleeding. Several formulations of ferromagnetic colloids (iron-based) for stopping internal and external bleeding have been developed.

In essence, these are colloidal solutions with high aggregative stability, the particles of which have the size of 0.0005 microns.
Hemostatic has no analogues in the world,
requiring registration.

Small particle sizes in combination with the action of surface-active substances provide high homogeneity and stability of magnetic liquid, which does not stratify during settling and does not have spontaneous magnetization. The developed liquids have hemostatic efficacy by themselves. The hemostatic effect can be enhanced. Another advantage is that magnetic field can be used to deliver, localize and retain magnetosensitive particles injected into the body at the desired location.

The uniqueness of the properties of "Ferrokol" lies in the following set of parameters:
  • "Ferrokol" provides styptic effect in various conditions of its application (on wounds, in the acidic environment of the stomach, in the alkaline environment of the small intestine);
  • "Ferrokol" does not cause tissue damage and does not have an irritating effect; the toxicity of the drug is low; the drug has the ability to stimulate reparative processes.
  • If the drug is used in combination with the effects of applied electromagnetic and magnetic fields, the hemostatic efficacy of the drug increases, which makes it possible to reduce its dose.
  • Absorption of the drug when administered in the gastrointestinal tract partially leads to a decrease in the severity of anemia.
  • The drug has the ability to stimulate reparative processes, which promotes healing of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the drug by including additional components in its composition is shown.

Ferro-magnetic colloids are a new generation of hemostatic preparations realizing hemostatic action on new principles. Combinations of hemostatics with magnetic fields (constant and alternating) create a new direction in medicine. Combined methods (using new technical means) can be created.
  • more effective (10 times) than analogs;
  • more cost-effective (cost price is 1100 times lower);
  • requires registration.

Collagenase is essential for scar treatment and enzymatic wound cleansing.

This development was performed due to the following circumstances:
- high demand for collagenolytic preparations for medical purposes, which is not covered by manufactured preparations;
- disadvantages of enzymes of microbial origin (relatively low collagenolytic activity, high allergenicity);
- relatively high cost and technological problems associated with obtaining collagenase from hydrobionts (from Kamchatka crab).

Collagenase from fish for the treatment of scars.
The treatment of scars is a current medical problem. Scars form after trauma and burns, as well as after surgical procedures performed. One of the goals of treatment is to break down excess collagen. This requires specific enzymes - collagenases. Collagenase is currently produced in insufficient quantities and its properties are inadequate. Collagenase from fish shows high clinical efficacy. A necessary stage is to conduct preclinical and clinical trials and obtain certification documents.

Collagenase production technologies have been developed from fish suitable for breeding - from African catfish of the genus Clara, and so-called "commercial" fish (trout, carp, bighead, cod, etc.). The technology of obtaining a wound sorbent for cleaning wounds from dead tissue, which includes collagenase from fish.
The development of “Silicone gel including collagenase for the treatment of skin scars” is at the final stage.

The original base of the gel allows to obtain a prophylactic preparation, which can replace expensive preparations based on silicone gel “Dermatix” and “Kelo-Cote”. Introduction of collagenase into the base composition further expands the possibilities of the preparation. It should be noted that the task of long-term maintenance of collagenase activity preservation in gel formulation was solved for the first time in the world practice. Simplicity and convenience of gel application makes it possible to use it in outpatient practice for treatment of skin scars of various genesis.

At the stage of pilot samples the work on creation of “Patch with collagenase for treatment of scars” stopped. This product has no analogues. The development of patches will make it possible to treat scars on an outpatient basis. Completion of the project will significantly improve the quality of medical care for patients with skin scars (consequences of traumas, surgical interventions).

The drug for the treatment of scars
Saint- Petersburg, 2024
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